
Pillars of The Valley

Bódvaszilas, Hungary | 2014-2019

“I remember on the first day of school, they said Bódvaszilas was the center of Earth’s heart. Many people don’t like to live here because nothing comes about, they say. But a lot of things are happening here, at least I think so. I like to read. It’s interesting how one can keep reading and somehow the brain puts the letters together, and meanings appear. Who knows, maybe I will be a reader when I grow up. Somewhere. Anywhere.” - Boys of Bódvaszilas

Bódvaszilas is a village in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, located in the Bódva valley, eastern Hungary, next to the Slovakian border with a total population of 1039*. Through my cooperation with MOME* EcoLab’s Cloudfactory project, we have realized desires and ideas with the local youth, on both theoretical and physical levels.

The series studies and unfolds two realities: one, where social deprivation is an existing fact, and the other where the peripheral of society is not a burden, but a virtue.

* Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services Permanent population of Hungary statistic on 1st of January, 2019
*Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary

ArtHungary 2nd Prize 2017